Established 1953 to be amended by majority
Amended & Updated October, 2024
Article I Name
The name of the organization shall be the Wheat Ridge Girls' Softball Association, Inc. and shall be amember of the Girls’ Softball League of Jefferson County.
Article II Place
The place in the state where the principle office of the organization is to be located is in Wheat Ridge in
Jefferson County in the State of Colorado.
Article III Type of Organization
The WRGSA shall be a non-profit organization. No individual member shall personally benefit from earnings
nor shall they be personally liable for any debts the organization may contract. Debts contracted shall be by
the approval of the voting membership. The organization shall be supported by registration fees, sponsor
fees, voluntary contributions from individuals or organizations, and from funds raised by the organization.
Article IV Purpose
The organization shall be a charitable organization striving for the advancement and promotion of athletic
interest, fair and supervised sports and for better citizenship and sportsmanship.
Article V Dissolution
Upon the dissolution of the organization, the Officers shall, after paying or making provision for the payment
of all liabilities of the organizations, dispose of all assets of the organization to such organizations organized
and operated exclusively for charitable or youth education and according to our Articles of Incorporation.
Article VI Governing Members
A. The Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, and Secretary, and Treasurer.
B. The Committees shall be: Area Representative, Registrar, Field Representative,
Coach Representative, Uniform Coordinator and Equipment Manager.
Article VII Amendments
The Constitution may be amended by a majority vote from those present and eligible to vote. A majority
shall be a simple majority of those voting members present. A bylaw change shall be presented at a regular
meeting and voted upon the following meeting.
Article VIII Voting members shall be:
A. Executive Board shall each have 1 vote. The President shall only vote in case of a tie.
B. Each team shall have 1 vote. The coach or his/her representative shall be the voting member.
A “team” shall be the team in existence from March 1 of one season continuing through
February 28/29 of the following season.
Article IX Meetings
Meetings shall be held in January, April, September and October. The October meeting shall be the annual
meeting. Special meetings may be called as necessary by the Executive Board.
Article X Elections
A nominating committee shall be appointed at the September meeting. The slate of officers shall bepresented at the annual meeting. Elections shall be at the October meeting with officers assuming their
duties at the end of the October meeting.
Article XI “B” Tournament teams
A. Tournament “B” teams will be accepted and abide by current Bylaws.
Updated 2024
A) Registration
1) Players must be residents of Jefferson County in the Wheat Ridge area outlined by the
Girls' Softball League of Jefferson County (GSLJC) current map boundaries and player
2) A player living outside the WRGSA map boundaries but attending a Wheat Ridge school
will be considered a Wheat Ridge resident.
3) Players living outside Jefferson County will be accepted as long as rosters are maintained at 66% WR residents.
4) Registration shall be held in January, February and March h of each year. The registration shall
include a waiver accepted by the parent or guardian absolving the WRGSA of any liability.
5) A copy of each player’s birth certificate will requested if needed.
6) A registration shall not be accepted by a player/family who has an outstanding debt to the WRGSA.
7) Registration fee shall be determined by the Board annually.
8) If two or more players from the same family are registered, the 1st player shall pay the full
current amount with each succeeding player receiving a $10 reduction.
9) A “hardship” may be granted provided the need is determined. It shall be renewed each year.
10) A doctor’s statement and a letter from the family shall be required when there is a serious
health problem. The WRGSA is absolved of any responsibility in these cases.
11) After a person has coached as “head coach” for 1 year with the WRGSA, their children’s
registration shall be waived thereafter while actively serving as head coach.
B) Team placement
1) It is required by the GSLJC rulings that T-Ball and Coach Pitch roster maximum be 15 players.
8U and older can carry up to 20 players, however, it is recommended that WRGSA be maximum
of 15 players.
2) Age classification shall be 6 through 20 years of age as specified by the GSLJC.
3) Divisions shall be determined by the age classification of the GSLJC by-laws.
4) Teams will be formed with provision to placing players with other players who attend the same
school or reside in the same neighborhood.
5) A request for transfer within the Wheat Ridge association is possible in cases where players or
coaches have personal conflicts.
6) If an opening is not available for a player in the Wheat Ridge area, the player may request
transfer to another area according to the rules of the GSLJC with option to return to Wheat
Ridge when a vacancy is available.
7) A player requesting transfer into or out of Wheat Ridge from or to another area must make the
request in writing to the Board of the GSLJC.
8) Players registering by official registration deadline are guaranteed a place on their former team.
9) New players may request a specific team and/or coach. The request will be honored if room is
available after official registration deadline.
10) When space is not available for a new player in the proper age group, the player may play with
an older team. When a vacancy occurs in the player’s age group, the player will be given the
choice or remaining on the former team or dropping back to the player’s own age group.
C) Coaches
1) An application shall be submitted and reviewed by the Executive Board
2) If a coach seeks a hearing before the Board for whatever reason, such hearing shall be granted
with officers and any other individuals present at the meeting as needed.
4) There shall be no recruiting of players by WRGSA coaches from other Wheat Ridge teams nor
shall any Wheat Ridge coach recruit outside the Wheat Ridge area for players for a Wheat
Ridge recreational team.
5) Coaches shall responsible for obtaining medical information from each player on form provided
by the Association.
D) Uniforms
1) T-Ball -- the WRGSA will purchase and provide jersey, shorts and socks for each player
to be kept by the player for succeeding years.
2) Coach Pitch and all other ages – families shall be responsible to purchase jersey, shorts
and socks for their player/players which shall be their property for succeeding years of play.
3) WRGSA will not provide visors and/or hats for any age group.
E) Equipment
1) Equipment shall conform to GSLJC.
F) Fund Raising
1) After the yearend financial report has been reviewed, the Executive Board, Committee,
and coaches shall make recommendations and suggestions for fund raising events.
a) Preside over all meetings
b) Act as primary official in all matters with the City and other outside agencies
c) Act a designee for any of the following positions if one should be vacant
Vice President
a) Fulfill all duties of President in his/her absence
Area Representative
a) Represent WRGSA at GSLJC meetings
b) Keep WRGSA informed of rulings and information at the County level
c) Act as the liaison between the WRGSA and the GSLJC on complaints and procedures
d) Keep the county update don WRGSA rosters as compiled by the
a) Maintain accurate minutes from all meetings
b) Maintain and publish accurate roster of board members, committee chairpersons,
and coaches and team managers
c) Schedule all meetings and notify Board, Committee people, and coaches.
a) Collect and deposit all funds into association bank account
b) Maintain accurate records and manage all financial affairs
c) Provide timely financial statements for entire association
a) Organize and coordinate annual registration
b) Assign registered players to appropriate team rosters
c) Maintain accurate records on players as required by county
d) Provide “official” team roster to coach and/or team manager
e) Provide “official” team roster to county and maintain changes as necessary to county
through WRGSA Area Representative
Fundraising Coordinator
a) Plan and coordinate an annual or semi-annual fundraising activity
b) Coordinate the solicitation of team sponsorships from within the community
c) Insure sponsorships are recognized with banner
Coaches’ Representative
a) Recruit and select new coaches
b) Plan and coordinate training for all coaches (clinics)
c) Gather complaints from interested parties regarding a WRGSA coach
d) Recommend to Coaches/Board a corrective action on all complaints
e) Recommend to Coaches/Board new policies related to Coaches
f) Recruit and train “Team Manager” (AKA Team Mom or Team Dad)
Equipment Manager
a) Distribute and collect all equipment
b) Maintain proper inventory of balls, bats, and other equipment
c) Insure care and storage of equipment during off season
d) Recommend to Coaches/Board new policies related to equipment
e) Coordinate and schedule use and maintenance of pitching machines
Uniform Manager
a) Plan, organize and make payment for uniforms for each season
Field Representative
a) Work with the City of Wheat Ridge obtaining field for practices and games
b) Work with the City of Wheat Ridge on maintenance of fields
c) Keep coaches informed on field conditions